About the Recipe
Spaghetti squash is one of my favorite vegetables because it has so many benefits (not to mention, it tastes delicious)!
Many of our customers ask us what Keto options we have, and the answer is everything on our menu can be made Keto-friendly.
Let’s start with spaghetti squash, since it’s the most obvious alternative to…you guessed it…SPAGHETTI! I mean, how did nature know to make a vegetable that just comes out looking like perfect little noodles? You couldn’t make them more perfect even if you tried. But the key is in how you make it.
This dish is gluten-free and a great option if you are celiac.
ingredient 1
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ingredient 8
Step 1
Chop the top and stand the spaghetti squash on the flat part you just cut off. This will make it easier to balance when you get the knife through it without having it roll around and possibly cutting your finger (I have done that)! Cut it in half length-wise.
Step 2
Scoop out the seeds. I actually toast the seeds in the toaster oven with a bit of garlic salt and olive oil for a healthy snack that has no preservatives.
Step 3
Sprinkle a bit of garlic powder and olive oil and rub it around the rim and inside of each half.
Step 4
Chop up the chicken and marinate it. I use some garlic, salt and pepper.
Step 5
Put some olive oil and let it heat up. I like it spicy so I use dried chilis. Let the chilis sizzle in the oil to help the spiciness come through.
Step 6
Add the chicken and cook it fully. You can add other vegetables like spinach or bell peppers to add a color to the dish. I like to add fresh basil leaves for more flavor.
Step 7
Once the chicken is cooked, add the baked spaghetti squash. Scrape the squash from the shell into the pan. Use a fork and scrape the inside and it will come out looking like spaghetti. Add some salt to taste, and half and half cream.