People sometimes say “you made this with love,” but what does that really mean? I never understood what made someone say that. I mean, what’s the alternative? Making it with hate?

When we first started Taza, we wanted to make sure people ate healthy food that made them feel good. The end goal is to provide a meal for someone that will make them happy, that they will remember and want to eat again and again.
So as we started to cook, that passion for making good food was reflected in the meals that we created. They actually were “made with love.”
We were at the Verrado Community Farmers Market on a Sunday, and the vendor next to us ordered our veggie bowl. She said she has a sensitive stomach and wanted something that was light and tasted good. I made her an extra heaping bowl of rice and lots of fresh grilled veggies.
When she was done she stopped by again to tell me how good it was. She said (and those are her exact words): “I could tell you made the food with love. I can feel your energy, and it’s a positive energy.”
That put a smile on my face. I guess I’m not making this up. People can feel the energy, and can tell that we are passionate about the food we make.
So it got me thinking: what is it that makes you “cook with love?” It’s easy:
Cook food that you want others to enjoy
Take pride in what you made
Use fresh ingredients and season the food to perfection
Your number one goal is to make others happy, well-fed and satisfied
Ask yourself: Will I want to eat this? Because if I don’t, then why would I want others to eat it?
In a nutshell: when you cook with passion, your food will be made with love!
“I didn’t realize someone could be so good at what they do! ” — Isaac W.
If you want to experience first hand food that is made with love, hire us for your next event or private dinner.